Online Computer Basics Course

  • Reboot – Simplifying Tech Basic Computer Skills Course
    • Open enrollment and currently ON SALE for a limited time!
    • This course is for you if…
      • You ever feel like the very basics of certain computer skills can be overwhelming
      • You want to know how it can get easier for you, so you can focus on what matters
      • You feel like you’re afraid of the computer or the basic tech things that everyone else seems to know
      • You feel like your files are disorganized and you’re not sure how to begin to fix that
      • You struggle with the basics of Zoom, Google Meet, File Organization, Google Docs, Google Slides, and Google Sheets
      • You want to become more confident, efficient, and organized with the above things.
      • You’re open to learning and ready for change!
      • Please note that this course currently includes demonstrations on a Windows computer, but the same lessons can be generally applied if you use a Mac computer.
    • Perfect for beginners or refreshers, this exclusive online course makes learning the essentials of computer operations stress-free and engaging. From file organization to navigating video communication platforms like Zoom and Google Meet, you will gain the confidence and skills needed for today’s digital world. Enjoy practical exercises, personalized learning experiences, and bonus content to accelerate your tech proficiency. Enroll now and transform your computer skills in just a few weeks! Yes, it’s possible!

In Summary:

Gain essential skills and confidence in:

✅ File organization

✅ Basics of Zoom and Google Meet video communication platforms

✅ Creating and sharing Google Documents, Google Slides, and Google Sheets with ease

✅ Achieve efficiency in your digital tasks

✅ Practical exercises and notes to reinforce skills

✅ Boost your confidence in using technology

✅ BONUS: List of Keyboard Shortcuts

✅ BONUS: Basics of Google Forms

This comprehensive course ensures you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the digital age! 

About Me

Hi there! I’m Maisie. I’m passionate about helping people from all walks of life unlock their potential and achieve their goals. With a diverse background in mentoring trainees in the medical field and assisting others with the basics of computers, I have discovered the power of knowledge and skill-building in changing lives for the better.

Driven by a deep-seated desire to make a positive impact, I set out to the online space, aiming to provide accessible and effective education in computer basics to a wider audience who needs it. I have created an online course designed to equip individuals with the essential skills and confidence needed to navigate the digital world with ease.

I am committed to fostering a supportive learning environment where every individual’s learning journey is valued and respected. Personalized learning experiences are tailored to each student’s unique needs and pace. I strive to create a space where learners can feel empowered to explore, ask questions, and grow at their own speed, free from judgment or pressure.

My mission is simple: to help you move from a place of uncertainty and fear to one of knowledge and confidence. The goal of my online course is to guide you through essential computer basics in a clear, approachable manner. From organizing and managing files to engaging in seamless video conferencing, creating and sharing documents, and beyond, the course is designed to equip you with practical skills that are immediately applicable in your personal and professional life.

By joining me on this learning journey, you are not just acquiring technical know-how; you are embarking on a transformative experience that can shape your future and open doors to new opportunities. Together, we will navigate the digital landscape, overcome challenges, and celebrate victories, dedicated to growth, empowerment, and mutual support.

I am here to guide you every step of the way to not only grasp the fundamentals but also develop a newfound sense of empowerment, offering encouragement and unwavering support. I’m excited to welcome you to a brighter, more confident you.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at

Click Here to Enroll and Lock in the Sale Price!

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